
銅漢子工作室 / 原型泥塑. 精密脫蠟鑄造

代客原型翻模 . 鑄銅 / 03-4908460 黃先生

e-mail : ijiang.kadadepan@gmail.com

2009年12月15日 星期二

■ 思念 Missing

2002 / 32 x 32 x 47cm / bronze 銅

卑南族民謠創作大師 陸森寶,寫了一首卑南民謠美麗的稻穗

Beinan folksong composer Lu Sen-bao’s “The Beautiful Ear of Rice” is known to most people in his tribe. For those who cannot sing the song, they can still manage to hum a few lines. Its lyrics depict the love between a brother and sister. Giving thanks to the ancestral spirits during the harvest season, the sister misses her elder brother very much. Her brother is not able to join the harvest celebration, for he is doing his military service in Quemoy island (also known as Chinmen, Kinmen or Jinmen), a military front west to Taiwan. This is a very moving story for me. And I myself, as a Beinan ethnic, will feel a life-long regret if I do not present this girl along with the beautiful ear of rice in a sculpture.
