
銅漢子工作室 / 原型泥塑. 精密脫蠟鑄造

代客原型翻模 . 鑄銅 / 03-4908460 黃先生

e-mail : ijiang.kadadepan@gmail.com

2009年12月15日 星期二

■ 女巫的美麗與哀愁 The Beauty and Sadness of a Psychic -healer

2005 / 50 x 180 x 60 cm / bronze

她自己知道這是一項神聖的祖靈指示,而且是為部落族群服務的工作。相對的,部落族人對她的尊敬是不可侵犯的, 她開始住進女巫修行獨處的居所,學習為族人治病與驅邪的巫術。


While an adolescent girl is designated as the successor to the tribal psychic -healer, she herself knows that this is a sacred vocation from her ancestral spirits, and her job is to serve her people. Through refraining from any infringement, her people accordingly pay homage to her. This chosen girl soon begins to take residence in the place where the former psychic -healer used to practice spirituality alone, learning spells about medical treatment and exorcism. This girl needs to transform her once charming youth into charitable curing charms.
