銅漢子工作室 / 原型泥塑. 精密脫蠟鑄造
代客原型翻模 . 鑄銅 / 03-4908460 黃先生
2009年12月13日 星期日
■ 台灣之美 The Beauty of Taiwan
2001 / 58 x 15 x 72cm / bronze 銅
In the old days, indigenous women were extremely good at carrying goods on their heads. With parcels of all sizes grabbed in both of her hands, plus a tiny baby carried behind her back, she still has that earthenware jar balanced right on the top of her head. This is a scene that always enkindles moving feelings deep down in my heart. I can see their vivid virtue in maintaining a family and the spirit of self-sacrifice and hardship that have been passed down through generations.