
銅漢子工作室 / 原型泥塑. 精密脫蠟鑄造

代客原型翻模 . 鑄銅 / 03-4908460 黃先生

e-mail : ijiang.kadadepan@gmail.com

2009年12月13日 星期日

■ 友情 Friendship

2005 / 35 x 60 x 53 cm bronze 銅

〝放牛吃草〞是許多年長一輩的台灣人,共同的童年回憶,在原住民部落開始引進農耕技術之後,小孩也就往往得負擔不少家中雜物,〝放牛吃草〞可說是責無旁貸的工作之一,想當然的放牛吃草變成幾個牧童伙伴培養學習人際關係的環境, 相對的牧童對水牛的情感來自於責任的生命共同體。與現代人對寵物的觀念是有很大落差的。

Cattle-grazing has been a common childhood memory for many Taiwanese people of the older generation. After cultivation skills were introduced to the tribes, soon the tribal kids had to shoulder quite a lot domestic chores, within which cattle-grazing was one of the many duties. Naturally, this duty had become an opportunity for the buffalo boys to practice their skills in developing personal relationships. A boy’s sentiment towards his buffalo was derived from the symbiotic responsibility between the human and beast. This is a concept very different from that of the present vogue of pet-raising.
